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Family History at the Nabb Center: Probate/Administration Records


  1. Sussex County Will Book 1751-1775, 1789-1799 (3 vol)    F172.S8 K45
  2. Sussex County Delaware Will Books L & M  1852-1869 (2 vol)    F172.S8 M663
  3. Sussex County Delaware Will Books 1785-1883 (9 asst vol)    F172.S8 Ws
  4. Dorchester County Maryland Wills 1852-1861 (7  vol)     F187.D6 K44


In 1997, G. Ray Thompson (professor of history at Salisbury University) transcribed wills and deeds of gift dating between 1648 and 1845 for people who lived in lower Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia. Included are introductions to the transcription, which was made from microfilm copies held at the Nabb Center. The group of wills in this volume was intentionally chosen to represent a few select families: the Bishop (9), Claywell (4), Ennis (20), Johnson (6), Hudson (7), Poynter (4), Rackliffe (5), Smith (4), and Townsend (2) families and a few other families who lived in or near Bogerternorton Hundred and who intermarried with one or more of the above families. A second group of wills represents a Worcester County family, the Atkinsons from Dividing Creek (4), and demonstrates their interrelations with families from Somerset County and Accomack and Northampton Counties on the eastern shore of Virginia.

  1. Abstracts of Dorchester County Distributions 1852-1885    F187,D6 M692
  2. Maryland Calendar of Wills 1635-1777) (16 vol)    F180.C852
  3. Abstracts of the Balance Books of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1751-1777 (4 vol)    F180.M69
  4. Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1718-1777 (11 vol)    F180.S5
  5. Somerset County Maryland State of Maryland Orphan's Court Proceedings 1777-1852 (4 vol asst years)    F187.S7 O2
  6. Somerset County Wills 1667-1870 (27 asst vol.)    F187.S7 W52
  7. Somerset County Administration Accounts 1779-1796    F187.S7 A3
  8. Somerset County Bond Book EB28 1805-1815    F187.S7 B6
  9. Maryland Index to the Wills of St. Mary's County 1662-1960, Somerset County 1664-1955    F187. S7 H8
  10. Other Wills in the Prerogative Court for Somerset and Worcester Counties 1664-1775    F187.S7 W5
  11. Wicomico County Wills Dec 1867-1919 (4 asst vol)    F187.W5 K45
  12. Worcester County Register of Wills: Liber JW15 (Abstracts of Inventories taken from Somerset County Records 1688-1742 & Abstracts of Administration Accounts from Somerset County records 1667-1719)    F187.W7 I2
  13. Worcester County Inventories and Accounts Inventory book JW15 (1694-1742) (abstracted by V.L. Skinner Jr)     F187.W7 I2
  14. Worcester County Maryland JW12 Administration Bonds and Inventories (1783-1790) (Ruth T Dryden)     F187.W7 I2
  15. Worcester County, Maryland Orphans Court Proceedings (3 vols) (David V Heise) (1777-1800, 1800-1816, 1816-1832)    F187.W7 O2
  16. Docket (1742-1820) (V.L. Skinner, Jr)    F187.W7 S55 1993
  17. Worcester County Maryland Wills (various authors) 1742(1666)-1873    F187.W7 W5 (18 books)
  18. Worcester County, Maryland Estates (1661-1850) (Compiled by Richard P. Yantis)    F187.W7 Y36


  1. Accomack County, Virginia Orphans Accounts (Transcribed by Gail Walczyk) 4 books: 1741-1780, 1780-1793, 1794-1801, 1800-1805    F232.A2 A24
  2. Abstracts of the Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia (1800-1860) (Compiled by Barry W. Miles and Moody K Miles, III)    F232.A2 M545 2000
  3. Wills and Administrations of Accomack County, Virginia (1663-1800) (Compiled by Stratton Nottingham)    F232.A2 N68 1973/1990
  4. Accomack County Guardian Bonds 1819-1827 (Performance Bonds) (Abstracted by Gail M Walczyk)    F232.A2 W2585 2008
  5. Accomack County District Court Wills and Deeds, 1800-1806 (Transcribed by Gail M Walczyk)    F232.A2 W259 2008
  6. Abstracts of the will and Administrations of Northampton County, Virginia (1632-1800) (compiled by James Handley Marshall)     F232.N85 M37 1994
  7. Northampton County, VA Orphans Accounts (2 books) (transcribed by Gail M Walczyk) (1731-1784,1785-1813)    F232.N85 N675/N676