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MGMT 429 Hickman: RefWorks for Group Projects

Recommended strategies and resources for the Consulting Team Project.

Manage & Organize: ProQuest RefWorks

ProQuest RefWorks is a citation management tool that assists researchers in gathering, organizing, annotating, and citing their sources. Accounts are free to anyone with an SU email address (students, staff, faculty).

RefWorks Login

To set up your account, go here.

Please note that citation tools like RefWorks are only as perfect as the data they are extracting from resources -- you should always double-check your citations to make sure they are correct.

Help Pages:

Sharing Folders

Why share a folder? By sharing a folder with a fellow student and giving them "modify" privileges, you can both add references to the same RefWorks folder. This is incredibly useful when working on a group project where all group members have to contribute to the same assignment and turn in the same deliverable.

Sharing a Folder

Once you have a folder to share, select My Folders from the main menu on the left-hand side of the screen.

Where to find My Folders in RefWorks

This sub-menu should display all folders that you have created. Open the Options bar (3 dots) to the right of the folder you want to share, and select "Share folder."

Sharing a folder in RefWorks

Once you have clicked on "Share folder," a box will pop out with Sharing Settings. Enter the SU email addresses (each separated by a comma) for the group members with whom you want to share this folder. You can edit their level of access using the drop-down menu to the right of this field. If you are working on a group project, I would recommend changing this to "Can Modify" so everyone can contribute to the same folder. Select "Done" when finished.


Accepting Invitations and Accessing Shared Folders

Each invited person will receive an email from Refworks ( with a link to review the folder invitation. If you are not logged into RefWorks before you access this link, you will be directed to the page below. Ignore the prompt to enter a "salisbury-university access code" -- click on the link at the top-right corner to log into your account instead. If you receive an invite before you have created your RefWorks account, follow these instructions to create your account, then review your invitation.

Screen prompt when reviewing an invitation prior to logging in. Do not enter a code. Log into your account.

You will also receive a notification within Refworks, which appears as a banner across the top of your account. After a short delay, you will then see a notification on the Sharing menu. Open the Sharing menu and you will find the folder that has been shared with you. Unless you created the folder yourself, you will always access shared folders through this Sharing sub-menu

Viewing shared folders in RefWorks

If you no longer want access to a folder, open the Options (3 dots) for that shared folder and select "Leave shared folder."

Options menu for a RefWorks shared folder