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ENGL 305 Payne: Assignment

Learning outcomes I'm hoping to address with you.

1. Search subject specific databases to identify journal articles on a topic.

2. Strategically select from a variety of source types to support an argument or outline a topic in a long research paper or other assignment.

3. Identify citation style format.

Assignment and research approach

What caliber of information do you think a Trustee Board of a $10,000,000 trust will expect in your proposals? One might argue that your job partly depends on the quality of the sources that support the case you are making. 

Sources should be of high quality. What does that mean? 

  • Created by experts. These may be people who have terminal degrees, are professional practitioners, or groups who are highly regarded and unbiased.
  • Verified accurate info. Often why "peer-review" is important.
  • Well-established, or known for reliability. 
  • Time-relevant. Currency is a big deal for topics related to country data.

Three source domains

Web sources include library or professor-vetted web sources from this guide or otherwise reliable .edu, .gov, or .org web domains.

Book sources from SU Libraries for historical / background information.

Research articles sources from the library's research databases first. Google Scholar as a secondary tool.