You can also find news articles via search engines like Google, but be sure to thoroughly evaluate their quality and credibility before you use them.
Search the full text of these newspapers: The Baltimore Sun, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.
To find more news publications, check out our Virtual Newsrack guide below.
While all news sources like to tout themselves as reliable, unbiased, and always accurate, reality can be very different. Make sure to always evaluate your source for currency, reliability, authority/accuracy, and purpose before you decide to rely on its information to make your point!
Click the image below for the interactive version of this chart which will provide you with a formal analysis of your chosen news biases.
* over 100 news sites were included in this analysis, but that is only a fraction of all the news sites that currently exist. If you have chosen a news site that is not shown here, you will need to conduct your own careful analysis to determine its bias.
Media Bias screen-shot used with permission per Ad Fontes Media's fair-use guidelines.