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FYS GEO01: America's National Parks: Government Documents

Resources for the research project in Dr. Harris's first year seminar.

Good Places to Search

Government documents, or gov docs, are information sources published by the US Federal Government, state governments, or one of the many government agencies. Did you know that the US government is the largest publisher in the world? Government documents might include everything from reports to pamphlets to book chapters to infographics. With so much government information available, it can take a little bit of time to click around on government websites and search for relevant information.

If you have questions, I can help you find government sources.

RefWorks Extension to Save Webpages and Gov Docs

RefWorks has a browser extension to help you save things like webpages and government documents that don't automatically export to RefWorks. After you login, click on your name in the top right corner, then select tools. 

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