Congratulations on being hired as the student assistant in the Access Services department! We are happy to have you on our team.
Efficient and effective service is a large order for a small but dedicated full-time staff and a carefully selected group of part-time student workers. We could not function without your help! In order to meet these objectives and to be responsive to the varying needs of our users, it is essential that we strive to maintain high standards of performance in carrying out each of the many tasks that contribute to fulfilling our mission of service. Each person must do his part of the work. We need you to arrive on time and to do efficient and accurate work.
Every time you assist a patron you will leave him/her with a lasting impression of how efficient and friendly the staff of Library can be. Poor or inaccurate performance by another worker may affect your job. If a fellow worker is careless you may be required to do additional work. (A mistake as small as a mis-shelved book may involve the time of several staff and a patron to locate.) Every job must be done carefully and accurately.
We know and appreciate how important you are to the library!
Welcome aboard! Now onwards and upwards!
Library Carol - SCU Library's Customer Service video. Check out how Scrooge learns to serve customers!