Reviewing your guides on a regular basis will help you to keep them current and free of broken links or otherwise out of date information.
Liaisons are responsible for maintaining guides of which they are the owners or co-editors.
Liaisons will be reminded to focus on maintaining guides twice per year during July and January.
Delete unused guides or set them to "private."
Un-promote guides using this tag: #promoted.
Assign guide types
When logged into the Libguides system, select Content and add your name under Owner. Choosing the correct “Type” allows the guides to display on the library home page and appropriate places elsewhere within the system.
Identify guides as one of the three Types below. We do not use “General.”
Course guide
Topic guide
Subject guide
Update content.
Prioritize which guides should be updated first. Course guides that supplement classes coming up might take precedence. Or, a Subject or Topic guide that is in need of some serious TLC might be first to tackle.
Especially review library databases in your area(s) to identify ones to add or omit.
Alt tag tool
Use the tool and consult Chris' guide.
Link maintenance