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Library Instruction Scheduling & Planning

Active Learning, Exercises, Handouts, Assessment ideas, Equipment

The strategies below are  intended to be easily adapted.

 Activity Title:  Think-Pair-Share
 What it is:  Pose a question or problem to the class and give each student a short time to think about the  question and write down some possible solutions. Have students pair up to discuss their thoughts.  After the students have had an opportunity to discuss in small groups, come back together as a class  and ask for volunteers to share their ideas.
 Time Required:  5-10 minutes   
 Audience:  any level
 Technology/Supplies  Needed:  none


 Activity Title:    Quick Flipped Classroom
 What it is:  After your lesson, give students 5-15 minutes to search for an article related to their assignment. After  everyone has found at least one relevant article, ask for volunteers to come to the front to demonstrate  their search. This activity can also be done in groups, where each group is assigned a different  database to search.
 Time Required:  15-30 minutes
 Audience:  any level
 Technology/Supplies  Needed:  Multiple computers and projector screen


 Activity Title:  Index Card Q&A
 What it is:  At the beginning of class, pass out index cards and ask the students to write down one or two  questions they have about library research. Collect the cards and read some of the questions aloud  to the class as a way of assessing their knowledge prior to delivering your lesson. Save several  questions to read at the end of class, and ask for volunteers to answer them.
 Time Required:  5-10 minutes
 Audience:  First year/Sophomores
 Technology/Supplies  Needed:  Index cards


 Activity Title:    Quick Flipped Classroom
 What it is:  After your lesson, give students 5-15 minutes to search for an article related to their assignment. After  everyone has found at least one relevant article, ask for volunteers to come to the front to demonstrate  their search. This activity can also be done in groups, where each group is assigned a different  database to search.
 Time Required:  15-30 minutes
 Audience:  any level
 Technology/Supplies  Needed:  Multiple computers and projector screen


 Activity Title:  Cephalonian Method
 What it is:  Prior to class, prepare index cards with questions relating to the material you plan to cover in your  session (i.e. How do I locate books in the stacks?; What is a subject guide? ) Color code or number  each index card. As the students arrive, randomly pass out the index cards to the class. During your  presentation, use the cards as a way of generating student participation. At the appropriate time in  your presentation, call out a number or color and have the student holding that card read the question  aloud. Use the student’s question as an opportunity to discuss the library’s services and resources or  to cover simple information literacy concepts. This method is a good way of incorporating humor into a  lesson as well.
 Time Required:  5-30 minutes
 Audience:  First year -- especially good for orientations
 Technology/Supplies  Needed:  Index cards. PowerPoint is optional, but can be useful as a guide.