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ART 310: History of Italian Renaissance Art: Find Articles

+In the research process: ARTICLES

1. Explore topic basics (casual web searching)

2. Background (library catalog: books)

3. Current research (library databases: journal articles)

4. Support your argument (source citation)

5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & Writing Center)


Why use articles?

Why use articles for research?

  • For very recent, current information
  • Cover very specific subjects
  • Popular topics
  • Alternative viewpoints
  • Reports on scholarly research

Database searching

Now is the time to be more specific with your searching. Articles tend to cover very specific or niche topics, and are also published more quickly than books, meaning the information is typically more current than the general information you can gather from books.

Trying to find an article from a list of citations?

As you review bibliographies, reviews of literature, reference lists, you will discover additional sources to possibly use. 

Find them using the CitationLinker.

Article Databases: By Subject and A-Z List

Popular Magazines vs. Scholarly Journals