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ART 336: History of Graphic Design: Find Articles

Why use articles?

Why use articles for research?

  • For very recent, current information
  • Cover very specific subjects
  • Popular topics
  • Alternative viewpoints
  • Reports on scholarly research

Database searching

Now is the time to be more specific with your searching. Articles tend to cover very specific or niche topics, and are also published more quickly than books, meaning the information is typically more current than the general information you can gather from books.

Possible keywords to use for this example:  food rationing ration coupon ration stamp ration card ration book poster propaganda Spain Europe World War II Spanish Civil War Francisco Franco Adolf Hitler Axis Powers ...and many more

Several databases pertaining to History may also be helpful for this assignment. Please also check out the list of recommended databases in the History subject guide.

Food Ration Coupons/Poster

Image of coupons and a promotional design of Hitler and Franco

Spain, 1940s
From SU Libraries' Special Collections

Article Databases: By Subject and A-Z List

Popular Magazines vs. Scholarly Journals