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MUSC 305: Music History I: Cite Sources and Get Help

SU Libraries: Here to help

Research & Instructional Services - research writing consultation and technology help

SU Writing Center - writing assistance by appointment for in person or online consultations

Center for Student Achievement - academic mentoring, SI, tutoring

Library H3lp: 24-7 research assistance

Manage & Organize

ProQuest RefWorks is a citation management tool. It helps you keep track of all your sources. There are many different ones out there, but RefWorks is the only one supported by SU Libraries.

You can check out this guide for help or ask a librarian!

Citing Sources: MLA

You always have the most control over the accuracy of your citations when you do it by hand using the selected style manual below.

Online Citation Help

While going directly to the style guide is the best way to ensure accuracy in your citations, here are some online sources to serve as a quick examples for the basics.

For students: Library instruction evaluation survey