1. Explore topic context (casual web searching)
2. Learn basic topic information (library catalog: books)
3. Focus on current scholarly conversations (library databases: articles)
4. Synthesize your ideas with previous scholarship (source citation)
5. Drafts & revisions (librarians & learning commons)
In most of our databases, you will either see a sign next to each of your search results that indicates full-text access via an html link , or else a sign that indicates full-text access via a PDF link
. When those two options are not available, you will see the Find It button -
. Clicking on this link will provide you with other possible options to get the article. These options could include:
A few of our databases that like to play rogue - namely SciFinder Scholar and ScienceDirect - don't have this FindIt button in their interface, but have other options that help you to search all possible avenues for the article.