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GEOG 262: Geography of Sport: Upload / Link PDF's

For students in Dr. de Socio's class.

Linking For All Time

Photo by Flickr user Bob Jagendorf.  Used with Creative Commons license permission.

Linking PDFs

RefWorks is amazing in that it allows you to save your journal article information such that you can cite it in almost any format known to man.  It also lets you organize things by customized folders and even lets you share folders with your colleagues and professors.  

Even better?  It also lets you upload the full-text PDFs of the articles themselves, so that NOTHING IS EVER LOST.

Once you are logged into your RefWorks account, and the citation information has been either electronically or manually entered into your documents, click on the article itself.  Doing this will bring up the full information on the right side of the screen.  


Next, make sure that the PDF of the same article is downloaded somwhere on your computer - your desktop, your downloads folder - it doesn't matter where, you just need to be able to navigate to it!


Now, minimize the RefWorks screen a bit, so that you can simultaneously see the article information and your PDF at the same time.....



Once that has been done, just drag the PDF of the article over top of the citation information on the right.  


Once you have done this, the RefWorks system will spin and think a bit, and before you know it, the PDF of the article will have been uploaded to your account, and you can then read it whenever you want.


In fact, once the PDF is open in RefWorks, you can do more than just read it!  You can highlight important parts, and add in comments on the side about things you think are meaningful, or that your co-collaborator needs to pay attention to!  






