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GEOG 262: Geography of Sport: Library Day #2

For students in Dr. de Socio's class.

Library Day 2: Sources and Context

Today we'll think carefully about the best location for your team.Your city needs to be chosen carefully, given a number of economic considerations. Today you will be researching possible cities, to make sure that you end up picking the right place for your team.

Today we will learn how to:

  • Practice formatting research needs into individual parts & steps
    • Break down your research topic into parts.
    • Figure out what bits of information/data you need to answer each part.
    • Understand where you need to look to find the information/data you need.
  • Search multidisciplinary library databases & public sites to find data
    • Do you need to find newspaper articles? If so, search our newspaper databases.
    • Do you need to find journal articles? If so, search our journal databases.
    • Do you need statistical data? If so, then search Business round table/economic development data?
    • Then search Google for your site-specific data.
    • City Data? Try the two city data sites linked in this guide.
  • Search the library catalog to identify books and other materials owned by the library
    • Find a book on the shelf using its LC call number.
    • Learn how to access ebooks. 

Day 2 Activity