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GEOG 262: Geography of Sport: Library Day #3

For students in Dr. de Socio's class.

Library Day 3: Synthesizing, Citations, and Design

Today we will learn how to:

  • Begin to evaluate and fact-check sources based on given criteria (relevancy, currency, authority, reliability)
  • Consider best usage and synthesis strategies for different types of sources and information formats. 
    • Distinguish between scholarly and popular sources.
    • Determine when to use scholarly articles, news, government websites, and books. 
  • Design visually interesting and relevant poster graphics, including team uniforms and logos. 

Keyboard shortcuts:

Ctrl + F = "find", search through long websites and documents

Windows + Shift + S = screen capture

Ctrl + OR Ctrl - make your screen larger or smaller, helpful for small images and data

Poster Design

For more information about posters and design tools, view our Presenting Your Research LibGuide. It includes pages on tools like Prezi, Google Slides, Keynote, and Haiku Deck.

Poster Example

City History

Before you can design anything for your team, you need to know the history of your city. Use these resources to get a sense of what your city is all about, and the cultural context that your uniform, logo, and mascot should reflect.


There are lots of uniform generators out there. Here are some to get you started!


Logos and mascots are also important parts of sports teams. They are developed with team and city history in mind. Create yours accordingly!

Day 3 Activity