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ECON 211: Find Articles

Welcome! This guide is intended as a resource for the Current Events Project for Dr. Sonja Kolstoe's section of ECON 211.

Research process

1. Explore topic basics and develop keywords (casual searching)

2. Understand how to evaluate sources of information (CRAAP method + information literacy and critical thinking)

3. Apply techniques (keywords + evaluation strategy) to find articles (library databases, materials, and more)

4. Support your analysis (cite reliable sources)

5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians and other resources)

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Tips for Searching Databases

Use keywords. 

Combine keywords with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

If your research involves a company, search by the ticker symbol of that company, if available.

If you are doing industry research, search by industry code when possible.

+Search Recommended Databases for Articles

These databases hold a wider variety of news sources. Read the description underneath each link for recommended search strategies (where to go, how to craft your search, how to narrow your results, etc.)

These publications are available as stand-alone database collections. This means you cannot easily search for articles within particular issues of the publications, but rather you are searching the entire collection of issues for a given number of years. To narrow your search to only the most recent issues, the first thing you want to do is open the Advanced Search (if the database does not open here by default), and narrow your search by date.

For the ProQuest databases (NYT, WSJ, Washington Post, and Baltimore Sun), you will find Advanced Search just above the search box. Once there you will find a Publication Date drop-down menu just below the main search boxes. Try using the "Last 7 days," or if you want a different window, try selecting "On this date...", "After this date...," or "Specific date range..."

For the EBSCO database (Regional Business News), you can only select a date range. EBSCO should default to Advanced Search, but if not, you can find the blue link just below the search boxes. Once there, under Search Options (found below the main search boxes), you will find a Published Date category from which you can select months and years to create a date range. You ARE able to select the same month at the beginning and end of the range if you only want to search 1 month's worth of articles (e.g., Sept. 2017 - Sept. 2017).

You can search by publication title in the library's Quick Search (from the library home page).

After you submit your search, you may need to limit your results using the filter on the left-hand side of the results page if you do not immediately see the publication. Under Format, hit "View More" a couple times until all format types are listed. Check the boxes next to Journal/Magazine and Newspaper. The electronic versions (eJournals, eNewspapers) will automatically be checked as well -- keep this. (Note: You may need to pause and wait for the results to refresh each time you make a new selection.)

If we have print copies, this information will be listed under "Find a copy in the library." All of our current magazines and newspapers are held in "the Pit" (middle of first floor in Guerrieri Academic Commons). See the next tab for a brief list.

For electronic access, click on the purple Find it button underneath "Find a copy online." Once directed to the next page, the first link should be the most reliable. 

The following page will depend on the database. If the publication is available through an EBSCO database, you can select which issue you want to view on the right-hand side of the profile (see screenshot below). You may also "Search within this publication" to perform a search. 

Time Magazine's profile in Academic Search Complete

Detail of "Search within this publication" feature in Academic Search Complete


  • The Atlantic
  • Bloomberg Business Week
  • Black Enterprise
  • The Economist
  • Forbes
  • Fortune
  • Money
  • Time


  • Baltimore Business Journal
  • Baltimore Sun
  • The New York Times
  • USA Today
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post

Search by publication title to check for electronic access

Examples of publication titles:

  • The New York Times
  • The Economist
  • Wall Street Journal

Outward differences between scholarly and popular sources