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COMM 305 Trenary: Find Articles

Identifying Primary Vs. Secondary Research Articles

Finding, citing, and downloading your article

Use Communication & Mass Media Complete database to conduct your search.

My example focuses on privacy management theory. Communcation Privacy Management theory explains how people make choices about their private information through communication with others (Petronio, 2002, 2007, 2013). Source: Indiana University Communication Privacy Management Center:

1. Use your own theory as keywords; seek a large number of results.

2. Use Peer Reviewed limiter. 

3. Locate a Method section within your article selection. 

4. Consider searching important journals in communication research, listed below. 

Note: If your article is not available in Full Text, use the Find It button to see if it's available in another database. If not, consider requesting the article through Interlibrary Loan if you are fairly confident that the article is an original research study that will contain a Method section. 

Important journals in communication research

Journal of Applied Communication Research

Journal of International and Intercultural Communication

Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies

Critical Studies in Media Communication

Communication Monographs

Communication Education

Communication Teacher

Quarterly Journal of Speech

Review of Communication

Text and Performance Quarterly

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Journal of Communication

Communication Theory

Human Communication Research

Communication, Culture, & Critique

Journalism & Communication Monographs

Journalism & Mass Communication Educator

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

In the database, select Publications. Paste the journal title into the Publications Browse box, not the article search box.

When you find the journal, checkmark the Add box. Add as many journals in this way as you would like. When you are ready to search, select the Search button and type your theory in the second search box. 

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3