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COMM 297 Bown: Scholarly journal articles

In the research process: ARTICLES

1. Explore topic context & primary sources (the open web)
2. Learn the background (library catalog: books)
3. Discover scholarly conversations 
(library databases: journal articles)
4. Support your argument (source citation)
5. Rinse, repeat; drafts & revisions (research librarians, writing center)

Searching Library Databases

Searching in Academic Search Ultimate
1. Search:  sustainability  = 100,00+

2. Add:  college campus = 337

3. Narrow further by adding:  program = 138

4. This list contains newspaper, magazine, and scholarly journal articles. Decide whether or not to LIMIT results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. Refrain from limiting to Full Text. This may hide useful articles that you can access using the Find It button.

5. Let's review the an article's record and tools.

6. Search your own topic. Find a potentially useful article, and add the citation to RefWorks.

General Databases:

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True or false? When searching a library database, you should always limit results to Full Text.
True: 0 votes (0%)
False: 0 votes (0%)
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Differences between popular magazines and scholarly journals