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COMM 297 Bown: Welcome & source requirements

Information Literacy Instruction Goals

  • Search WorldCat Discovery to identify books and other materials owned by the library; find a book on the shelf using its LC call number.
  • Search multidisciplinary databases to find full text articles on a topic; use "Find It" links to find full text of articles.
  • Cite sources using a citation style.

Your assignment and research steps to consider

Think of the recommended sources as pieces of evidence that support your argument, but also as a timeline describing types of sources to gather and use from start to completion of your first draft.

1. Explore topic context & primary sources (news or non-library sources)
2. Learn the background (WorldCat Discovery: books)
3. Discover scholarly conversations (library databases: journal articles)
4. Support your argument (source citation)
5. Rinse, repeat; drafts & revisions (research librarians, writing center)

Quick poll

What citation style does your work require?
Chicago style: 0 votes (0%)
MLA style: 1 votes (3.85%)
APA style: 25 votes (96.15%)
AARP style: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 26

Manage & Organize Sources

ProQuest RefWorks is a citation management tool that can help you organize and cite your sources and create bibliographies.

Sign into your RefWorks account. Keep RefWorks open in a tab at the top of your web browser.

Consult the RefWorks Guide for additional help.