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HONR 490 - Geography & Geosciences: RefWorks 101

RefWorks Skills

Sub-headings under the RefWorks 101 tab up above will show you how to do all of the following:

  • know where & how to log into your RefWorks account
  • create folders 
  • share folders
  • import articles or books from library resources like databases / book catalogs
  • manually import articles that you have in print form
  • upload & permanently link the PDFs of full-text articles to their citation information

What is RefWorks?

ProQuest RefWorks

RefWorks is a "next-generation" citation management tool that can help researchers cite sources in all of styles most commonly used at SU like APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, ACS, AMA, and thousands of others.


With this tool, researchers can:

  • gather
  • organize
  • read 
  • annotate
  • and cite their research sources.

Plus, RefWorks creates an online collaboration space that enables groups of researchers to work together from any location.

Learn all about RefWorks: Video Tutorial Library      Guide to RefWorks