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FYS INF01: Design Thinking - Innovation - Entrepreneurship

Company research, industry research, and market research.

Newspapers, Magazines, and Websites

In addition to scholarly sources, SU Libraries provides access to many popular business periodicals. The business world moves fast, sometimes the information you need won't be in a peer-reviewed scholarly source, you may need quarterly earnings reports, 10-k reports, stock information, etc. So, oftentimes news sources and online government filings will provide important information when researching for business.

While not a "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" source, it would be unwise to discount these sources of information because they do not fit the usual academic research mold. Just be sure to evaluate your sources critically.

Newspapers and Magazines

BRASS Best of the Best Business Web Resources

Evaluating Sources

information cycle graphic

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image for scholarly v. popular information

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Image of the Media Bias Chart

Click the chart to view the interactive version with a formal analysis of biases.