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FYS INF01: Design Thinking - Innovation - Entrepreneurship

Company research, industry research, and market research.

Find a Book


If you find a physical book, it will have something called a call number. The call number is like its home address. Copy and paste any call number into the Call Number Locator below to see where it lives in the library. 

A call number will look something like this: 

HD66 .S4849 2017

You can use the call number locator map to see what shelf the book is located on in the library.

Call Number Locator Map

Call number locator map down to the shelf the book is on
Use this to find which shelf your book is on.

Select Biographies

Books for this Class

For this assignment you are expected to read one of the following (unless you have permission from your professor to use another book):

Benioff, M.R., & Langley, M. (2019). Trailblazer: The power of business as the greatest platform for change (1st ed.). Currency.

Hennessy, J. L., & Isaacson, W. (2018). Leading matters: Lessons from my journey (1st ed.). Stanford University Press.

Stone, B. (2017). The Upstarts: How Uber, Airbnb, and the killer companies of the new Silicon Valley are changing the world (1st ed.). Little Brown & Company.

Hastings, R., & Meyer, E. (2020). No rules rules: Netflix and the culture of reinvention (1st ed.). Penguin Publishing Group.

One of these books is available in the library. You can use the SURF search box to search for the title. If your search returns no results, be sure to change the drop down next to the search bar to include UM Libraries and use the facet in the left menu to "Include Non-USMAI Results." Even if our library doesn't have a title you can still request a copy via Interlibrary Loan.