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BUAD 695 Project Consulting: Getting started


Access library resources from off campus

You can now access the library databases by using your SU username and password -- the same one that you use for email and MyClasses. When accessing an e-book, article, library database, or any other electronic resource available from the library, expect to be prompted to log in (see screenshot below).

SU Login screen

Here's an FAQ about the new Single Sign On procedure.

Business Citations

Refworks Citation Management: Creating an Account

To create your ProQuest RefWorks account, follow these steps.

  1. Open this link to RefWorks in a new tab; below the "email" and "Next" boxes, you’ll find the “Create Account” link. Click this link.
  2. When prompted, enter your SU email address and click the “Check” button.
  3. This will check to ensure you have access to ProQuest RefWorks through SU.
  4. Once this is confirmed, enter a password for your ProQuest RefWorks account and click the “Sign Up” button.
  5. Next, click the link in the account activation email from ProQuest RefWorks. 
  6. Clicking the “Next” button opens your ProQuest RefWorks account where you can begin adding citations and documents.

Preliminary Due Diligence & Analysis

This guide intends to help you locate resources that will help you to form opinions and ultimately recommendations as assistance to your client. Be sure to document the list of sources you used to gather your information as required within the assignment description. 

The goals of this guide are to:

  • Familiarize students with industry research
  • Highlight library resources, specifically business databases
  • Connect students to statistical information

Advanced Search Techniques

Exact Search

Using quotation marks in your query ensures your results contains words and terms you search. Instead of searching for the words individually (think "Diet" "Coke") it will search for them together ("Diet Coke")

Boolean Operators

Using an all-caps AND, OR, NOT, you can link terms.

AND is a great way to pair two different search terms (think "United States of America" AND "Unemployment rate").

OR searches for both terms ("United States of America" OR "U.S.A.").

NOT excludes terms ("United States of America" AND "Unemployment rate" NOT historical).


Check out the filters on the left side of the search tab. Especially make use of date and subject.