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BIOL 350: Cell Biology: Importing Articles Electronically

Importing Journal Article Info Automatically

Our journal-article search engines have the built-in capability of sending journal article information directly to your RefWorks account.  Below you'll find info on how to import journal article information from the EBSCO suite of search-engine databases.  While you shouldn't be restricting your searches to just our EBSCO databases, this shows you the basics and will get your started. 

Importing Journal Article Citations



Once you have found your journal article, take a look around the screen.  You will need to locate the Export option.  


You'll notice that right above the Export option is a Cite option.  Why don't you just choose this?  You don't want to choose this because the Cite option simply cites this article for you and then has you cut/paste that information into a separate document.  It does NOT save the citation information for you anywhere, neither does it allow you to reformat the citation information into different formats whenever you want to!  Picking the Export option and putting the info into RefWorks allows you to do all of the above, and more.  


Once you click the Export option, you will be presented with a lot of choices.  If you look down the list of available citation management programs, RefWorks is about halfway down the list!  Pick that one, to "Direct Export to RefWorks".



Once you pick to Direct Export to RefWorks, you will be taken to a new screen that looks like the image below.  

Click YES, Export to the newest version of RefWorks to continue.......


exporting to RefWorks screen

Once you click YES, RefWorks takes over and pulls all of the citation information from the search engine and imports it to your RefWorks account.  It will ask you if you want to assign it into a specific folder or not. 


You can either pick from a pre-existing folder (if you already have created some) or else just continue on with importing if you don't / if you don't want to.....


RefWorks asking to assign citation to specific folder


After you do this, your citation information is safely saved in your
RefWorks account until you choose to delete it!


Click on OK and the article basics are shown.  

Click on the title of the article and even more useful and relevant information pops up to the right.

article details shown in RefWorks