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MGMT 428: Introduction

+Library Instruction Goals

This guide should help you:

Explore SU Libraries resources.

Distinguish differences between types of sources and identify best sources based on information need.

Use keywords, industry codes, or ticker symbols to search.

Start to gather information for an assignment.

+Assignment and research approach

Sometimes, a structured approach to research can help to organize ideas and the way you think about information sources:

  1. Explore topic basics (casual searching)
  2. Background (books and reference sources)
  3. Current research (library databases and web)
  4. Support your argument (source citation)
  5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & learning commons)

This guide contains selected resources for the Opportunity Analysis portion of Dr. Adams' Business Plan Project. Development of the business plan requires opportunity analysis which includes: (1) the selection of a target market; (2) determination of the demographic concentration of the target within a given geographic parameter; and (3) analysis of the current competitive/industry environment. Information on finding library resources specific to your needs is also included. Use the tabs to navigate.

Manage & Organize

ProQuest RefWorks - Source citation tool

Sign into your RefWorks account to export and manage citations while you research.

TIP: Keep RefWorks open in a tab at the top of your web browser when exporting citations from library databases.

For more information on using RefWorks and creating your account, go to the Cite Sources tab or view this page.