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The Information Cycle: Further Help

This guide discusses how information on an event is produced and disseminated and how it changes over time. Understanding the Information Cycle is crucial for your research.

Locating Scholarly Resources Related to a Recent Event

Do you need to find scholarly sources to use for your paper, but they are not yet available on your very recent topic? Here are some strategies on how to locate information:

  • Choose events that have been going on for at least several months, events from the past, or events that can be placed in historical perspective.
  • Find scholarly articles about a similar event that happened in the past and then compare the two events as much as possible.
    • e.g., another earthquake, hurricane, political unrest, nuclear disaster that happened in the past which you can use to relate to the current event
  • Find scholarly sources about themes relating to your topic.
    • e.g., environmental impact of nuclear disaster, social and economic impact of political unrest, political aspects of nuclear disasters, etc.

Subject Librarian

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Stephen Ford
OFFICE: Conway Hall 226 G
PHONE: 410-677-4602