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EXSC 462: Clinical Exercise Physiology

Advanced Search Strategies

When searching in the databases, you can elevate your searching by using the following advanced strategies:


These terms (AND, OR, NOT) can help you broaden or narrow the results you receive when searching within the databases.

  • AND narrows your search, as it tells the database that you only want results that contain ALL of the search terms
  • OR expands your search, as it tells the database that you want all the articles that contain EITHER of the terms
  • NOT excludes items from your search, as it tells the database that you do not want any articles that contain a certain term


Using the * (asterisk symbol), truncation uses the root of a word to find results that contain any variation of the root.

  • Example: pharm* will find pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical, etc.
  • Example: injur* will find injury, injuries, etc.

For more information on these strategies, visit this guide from the Priddy Library.
