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A LibGuide to Inform Faculty and Students About Course Reserves and Important Copyright Considerations

SU Libraries' Online Course Reserve System

Students and Faculty, use our online Course Reserves System to view what is currently on reserve -- search by Course, Faculty Name, or Item Title (under the left "Students" column). 

Faculty, use the Course Reserves System to request reserve items for your courses (under the center "Faculty" column), or Log In to the system to view your current and past course reserves.

Course Reserves Basics

Course Reserves are materials that faculty set aside for limited check out periods (physical reserves) or online (e-reserves) to facilitate student access.  These can be library books, chapters, articles, DVDs/films, binders of student projects, maps, posters, or any item owned by the faculty member or the SU Libraries.


Physical Reserves:

  • Stored behind the Library Service Desk in the Guerrieri Academic Commons 
  • Students may check these materials out with a valid Gull Card.
  • Most physical reserves do not circulate outside the library, but the terms of checkout are set by the professor. 

Electronic Material:

  • Digital resources available to students on their MyClasses course pages (Canvas Learning Management System) 
  • The professor adds materials (links or files) directly to the Canvas course page.
  • SU Libraries Reserves Staff is available to manage the copyright review process (assessing fair use, seeking permissions, and making payments if needed), as long as faculty submit requests to us!


Faculty should take advantage of the SU Libraries' Course Reserves services to ensure that items that they post on Canvas/MyClasses meet copyright requirements -- we want to make it easy and efficient for you to fulfill this obligation!  We will apply for permissions for you, and pay copyright fees, within reason.  All you need to do is use our online Course Reserves System to submit citations of articles or chapters you are posting at the beginning of each term.


Note to Faculty

Professors: YOU are responsible for making sure that ALL uses of materials that you share electronically with your students comply with copyright law.  Assume that these materials are protected by copyright unless you can determine with confidence that they are not!  If in doubt, please let the library staff â€‹review your items for you!

Reserves Contacts

Cassy Lewis​
Access Services Technician 
(410) 548-9184, or 548-2386 (Library Service Desk, GAC -- ask to be transferred)

Amy Jones 
Head of Access Services Department  
(410) 677-5478