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COMM 101 Lekey

Assignment review

Excerpts from: Research Critique and Mini Presentation (50 points) due October 14, 2024.

Choose any peer-reviewed Communication Studies article

For this assignment, you will choose a peer-reviewed Communication Studies article. Read this article and critique it, focusing on the seven basic steps of research that Paynton and Hahn (n.d.) discussed in Chapter Six.

Your written critique (2 pages double-spaced) should have an introduction, a summary of the article, a critical analysis of the research’s basic steps, and a conclusion summarizing your scrutiny. (30 points).


Image credit: Davenport University Library

Asking questions and following those questions "where it takes you" happens early on the the research process.

  • As you read articles on your topic, you are learning the scholarly conversations taking place.
  • All of this is to gain a better understanding of a problem or issue.
  • Sources in these articles are cited, or, organized so that researchers can easily find them to read further. Analogy.
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Chicago style: 0 votes (0%)
MLA style: 0 votes (0%)
APA style: 15 votes (100%)
AARP style: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 15