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COMM 101 Lekey

Library Databases for Communication Research

From the library home page search box, you'd open the drop menu, you can simply type in a database name or select Databases, and open the Browse Databases by Subject or Name link.

1. Open the library databases A-Z list

2. Databases by subject: Communication

3. Select Communication and Mass Media Complete

  • Select Publications to see list of all of the Communication research journals it searches.

Do an example search with me

Example research question: "Does the coverage of protests by journalism and news impact public perception of the movements?" 

Keywords and synonyms: protests, journalism, news, public perception

1. Search: protests = 4,382 articles.

2. Use the suggested OR terms: protests OR demonstrations OR activism = 10,277 articles.

3.Add journalism or reporting = 1,697 articles.

4. Add public perceptions or attitudes or opinion = 187 articles.

5. Limit to: Peer Reviewed and Publication Date (use 2013-2023) = 89 articles.

  • Each article result contains an Abstract. In just a few seconds, you can determine if the article is a good fit or not.
  • Use the citation generator to create your APA 7 citation. 
  • Keep your article by downloading it or by using the permalink.

Start searching using the broadest keyword concepts

In this case, the broadest keyword concept is all-things-climate change. In a search, use this first and get a big number of results before adding keywords.