Databases are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use them on or off campus. If you are using them from off campus you will be prompted to put in your SU username and password (the same one you use for Gull Net, MyClasses, or an SU computer).
You can search for databases by name or by subject.
In addition to searching in databases, you can also search pertinent journals directly.
A few journals to try include:
There is a direct link between the frequency of concussions in ice hockey and chronic traumatic encephalopathy resulting in mood swings, addiction, and suicide.
Search the full text of these newspapers: The Baltimore Sun, Christian Science Monitor, New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal.
Academic Search Ultimate offers access to an unprecedented collection of resources including journals, magazines, reports, books, and videos. Many are peer-reviewed and full-text. Subjects range from astronomy to zoology.
PsychINFO has some really great filters and unusual on the left side of the results page, things like methodology (qualitative study, field study, longitudinal study, etc), the gender or age group used in the study, and many more.
Cited Reference searching; if you have found an article that really works for you, check what it cited! Or maybe someone else cited this article! Once you click on a title, look at the left side of the screen (under where you would access the PDF or the Find It button) for something that says "Cited References" or "Times Cited in this Database".
Click on an author or source to look at what else is available for that author or journal.