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SOWK 416/616: Research I: Getting articles and more


Getting Articles

Access articles on your topic by searching in general or subject-specific databases. You can access the databases from the A-Z Database list or from specific research guides created for your discipline or a particular course.  Articles are often available online in full-text format. However, if you don't find the fulltext of the article that you are looking for or need an article that is from a print journal physically located in the library, you can always request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

If we have the journal/magazine/book physically in the SU Libraries, we will scan the article or the chapter you need and send it to you. This is a service for our distance students only. So it is imperative that you identify yourself as a distance student on the interlibrary loan form.

Great news for Distance Students!

We will be mailing items to distance students' home addresses. We piloted this project for spring 2018, however, we decided to continue it since it has been beneficial!  Keep reading...

Want a library book to be delivered to your home? It can be done now!

SU Libraries will ship books to home addresses (continental US only) and scan print materials ONLY

  • for students who live outside a 50-mile radius of Salisbury AND
  • who do not come to the SU main campus for classes.

Home Delivery for Distance Student


Physical items from the SU Libraries and University System of Maryland Libraries, as well as items available from libraries across the country through Interlibrary Loan, may be shipped to the home address of Salisbury University Distance Students living outside a 50-mile radius from Salisbury or any other USM partner pick-up location.

Items from SU Libraries:

  • Check in our online catalog, SURF, to determine that the item is available in the Guerrieri Academic Commons (GAC).
  • Do not “Request” the book from the page on SURF.  (If you do, the book will be pulled from the stacks for you the next day, but it will sit on the pick-up shelf waiting for you here at SU!)

Instead, use our ILL Request form to alert an Access Services ILL staff person to handle the request individually.

      • Log in to your Interlibrary Loan Account (, choose the 'Entire Book' request option, and manually enter the book title, author, and ISBN. In the Notes field:
        • Copy and paste the following bold text: “I am a distance student. Please ship the book to my home address.” 
        • Please let us know here that you are requesting an SU library book!
        • Copy/paste the Library Call Number into the Notes section as well to speed up processing.

Items from USM Libraries:

  • Check SURF to determine that the book is available through one of the University System of Maryland (USM) libraries.
  • Log in to SURF and request the book using the “Request from UM System Library” option.  When choosing the pick-up location, consider the following:
    • If you live within 50 miles of one of the other USM institutions, choose the most convenient option as your pick-up location; your item will be automatically sent to that location. You will also need to return the item to any USM pick-up location.
    • If you do not live within 50 miles of a USM pick-up location, please select SU Guerrieri Academic Commons as your pick-up location. The book will be shipped to SU.
    • When it arrives here, we need to be alerted to do something with it besides just putting it on the pick-up shelf. Since the request did not get routed through ILL, you will need to send an email to in order to let us know that you requested a book from the UM System, and that you are a Distance student who lives over 50 miles from SU or any other USM pick-up location. Please verify your current home mailing address in your email. Then, we will ship it to your home address via UPS the next business day (after we receive the book and your address is verified). 
  • You will need to pay to return the item to SU with the UPS return label.

Items from non-USM libraries via Interlibrary loan:

  • If a book that you need is not available through the USM, you can order it via ILL.
  • Submit your request via your ILL account (Again, make sure you note that you are a distance student; copy and paste the following bold text in the Notes field: “I am a distance student. Please ship the book to my home address.”)
  • When the book arrives here, we will email you to verify your address, and we will send it on to you via UPS the next business day.
  • You will need to ship it back to us, so that it arrives here in time for us to ship it to the original library by their return due date.

For all Items:

  • You may receive an email asking you to verify your shipping address.
  • Item(s) will be shipped the next business day with a return label via UPS.
  • Once you receive the item, DO NOT throw away the packaging; you are responsible for shipping the item back to the Guerrieri Academic Commons using the SAME box/packaging and the UPS return label.

How long can I keep the books I borrow?

Books from the SU Libraries’ collection have the same loan period that on-campus users receive. Item due dates follow this schedule:



November 1 - March 31

May 1

April 1 - June 30

August 1

July 1 - October 31

December 1

Regarding books from other libraries, the length of the loan period depends not only on the borrower status and type of material, but also on the lending library’s policies. Each library has different loan and renewal policies.

Things to remember:

  • Non-circulating materials, such as reference books, cannot be borrowed by distance learning students.
  • If you live outside a 50-mile radius of SU and only need a chapter of a book (30 pages maximum), you can request it through your Interlibrary Loan account.  There is an option to request a “Book Chapter” from your ILL account.  Be sure to identify the chapter number, chapter title, and page numbers. If you provide an ISBN and complete citation details, your order will be processed faster, as it can be automatically submitted through a network that shares digitized material within hours or days.
  • All books (including those in the SU collection and USM titles) are subject to recall, meaning they may need to be returned earlier because another patron requested them. If an item you have borrowed is recalled, you will receive an email about its change in status. Please return it immediately.
  • To ensure that you do not accrue overdue fines, factor in the shipping time, and mail the items a few days before the due date. You are responsible for overdue fines or costs associated with damaged materials.

Questions?  Feel free to contact us:

Cassy Lewis, ILL Borrowing Specialist

Amy Jones, Head of Circulation –

Mou Chakraborty, Director of External Library Services –

Updated Fall 2024


Physical items from the SU Libraries and University System of Maryland Libraries, as well as items available from libraries across the country through Interlibrary Loan, may be shipped to the home address of Salisbury University Distance Students living outside a 50-mile radius from Salisbury or any other USM partner pick-up location.

Items from SU Libraries:

  • Check in our online catalog, SURF, to determine that the item is available in the Guerrieri Academic Commons (GAC).
  • Do not “Request” the book from the page on SURF.  (If you do, the book will be pulled from the stacks for you the next day, but it will sit on the pick-up shelf waiting for you here at SU!)

Instead, use our ILL Request form to alert an Access Services ILL staff person to handle the request individually.

      • Log in to your Interlibrary Loan Account (, choose the 'Entire Book' request option, and manually enter the book title, author, and ISBN. In the Notes field:
        • Copy and paste the following bold text: “I am a distance student. Please ship the book to my home address.” 
        • Please let us know here that you are requesting an SU library book!
        • Copy/paste the Library Call Number into the Notes section as well to speed up processing.

Items from USM Libraries:

  • Check SURF to determine that the book is available through one of the University System of Maryland (USM) libraries.
  • Log in to SURF and request the book using the “Request from UM System Library” option.  When choosing the pick-up location, consider the following:
    • If you live within 50 miles of one of the other USM institutions, choose the most convenient option as your pick-up location; your item will be automatically sent to that location. You will also need to return the item to any USM pick-up location.
    • If you do not live within 50 miles of a USM pick-up location, please select SU Guerrieri Academic Commons as your pick-up location. The book will be shipped to SU.
    • When it arrives here, we need to be alerted to do something with it besides just putting it on the pick-up shelf. Since the request did not get routed through ILL, you will need to send an email to in order to let us know that you requested a book from the UM System, and that you are a Distance student who lives over 50 miles from SU or any other USM pick-up location. Please verify your current home mailing address in your email. Then, we will ship it to your home address via UPS the next business day (after we receive the book and your address is verified). 
  • You will need to pay to return the item to SU with the UPS return label.

Items from non-USM libraries via Interlibrary loan:

  • If a book that you need is not available through the USM, you can order it via ILL.
  • Submit your request via your ILL account (Again, make sure you note that you are a distance student; copy and paste the following bold text in the Notes field: “I am a distance student. Please ship the book to my home address.”)
  • When the book arrives here, we will email you to verify your address, and we will send it on to you via UPS the next business day.
  • You will need to ship it back to us, so that it arrives here in time for us to ship it to the original library by their return due date.

For all Items:

  • You may receive an email asking you to verify your shipping address.
  • Item(s) will be shipped the next business day with a return label via UPS.
  • Once you receive the item, DO NOT throw away the packaging; you are responsible for shipping the item back to the Guerrieri Academic Commons using the SAME box/packaging and the UPS return label.

How long can I keep the books I borrow?

Books from the SU Libraries’ collection have the same loan period that on-campus users receive. Item due dates follow this schedule:



November 1 - March 31

May 1

April 1 - June 30

August 1

July 1 - October 31

December 1

Regarding books from other libraries, the length of the loan period depends not only on the borrower status and type of material, but also on the lending library’s policies. Each library has different loan and renewal policies.

Things to remember:

  • Non-circulating materials, such as reference books, cannot be borrowed by distance learning students.
  • If you live outside a 50-mile radius of SU and only need a chapter of a book (30 pages maximum), you can request it through your Interlibrary Loan account.  There is an option to request a “Book Chapter” from your ILL account.  Be sure to identify the chapter number, chapter title, and page numbers. If you provide an ISBN and complete citation details, your order will be processed faster, as it can be automatically submitted through a network that shares digitized material within hours or days.
  • All books (including those in the SU collection and USM titles) are subject to recall, meaning they may need to be returned earlier because another patron requested them. If an item you have borrowed is recalled, you will receive an email about its change in status. Please return it immediately.
  • To ensure that you do not accrue overdue fines, factor in the shipping time, and mail the items a few days before the due date. You are responsible for overdue fines or costs associated with damaged materials.

Questions?  Feel free to contact us:

Cassy Lewis, ILL Borrowing Specialist

Amy Jones, Head of Circulation –

Mou Chakraborty, Director of External Library Services –

Updated Fall 2024

Library Accounts