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COMM 434 Krisuvlevicz: Find articles

Why Articles?


  • For very recent, current information
  • Cover very specific subjects
  • Popular topics
  • Alternative viewpoints
  • Reports on scholarly research

+Multi-subject Databases

Start very broadly to see . Add keywords as needed for more specific results.

1. Do an exploratory search: veterans affairs = 2,000+ results

2. AND: Equal Employment Opportunity = 1005+ results

2.5 OR American Disabilities Act

3. At your discretion: Limit by date, to Full Text, or to Scholarly Journals.

6. Export an article to RefWorks.

Tip: If an article is not available in one database, click the yellow Find It button to see if it is available in other SU Library databases. If not, you can always order through InterLibrary Loan.

Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 8,500 full-text periodicals, including more than 7,300 peer-reviewed journals.
JSTOR - Tip: enclose keyword phrases within quotation marks for precise searching. For example: "American Disability Act" AND "autism".
Electronic archive of core journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Includes complete runs of journals with full-text of all articles published prior to the most current five years. Coverage spans the humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
Provides abstracts and indexing for 2,650 general periodicals. Full text of articles for nearly 2,000 periodicals, and 5,000 full text Magill Book Reviews. 

Databases by Subject or by Name

Find Journals by Title

Select a search by Journal title. Search "Communication".

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Note: Off-campus access to journals requires your SU username and password.

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