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Social Work Guide: Search Strategies

Search strategies

Most, if not all, students think of Google when it's time for finding information. That's generally okay but when you have a research paper to write and your professor wants you to find information from scholarly sources, Google will not be your best friend. You will need use subject specific databases. You need to learn to busid a good search strategy involving keywords and subjects headings and Boolean operators and limiters! Already confused? Check out the individual pages on this tab that has neat videos explaining keywords vs subject headings and Boolean Operators.

It's very important to remember that our catalog and databases do not search like Google searches!  It will not work to type in a long phrase with lots of articles and prepositions.  So, here are some helpful keyword hints:

  • Identify simple one or two-word concepts in your topic.

       Example Topic: How are race relations impacted by rap or hip hop music?
       Simple concepts: race, relations, rap, hip hop, music

  • Search your simple concepts with the word AND.  Example: Race AND rap music, race

       AND hip hop.  It's often best to start simply and see the results!

  • Think of synonyms for your concepts.  Example: Instead of race relations, you might try

        racism, minorities, African Americans, social aspects.

  • Try lots of different combinations of your search terms!  You are unlikely to find exactly

       what you want just by doing one search!

  • Come to the Research Services desk for help if you get stuck or contact me.


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Mou Chakraborty