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Blackwell's Copyright LibGuide

Welcome to Library's Copyright LibGuide!

Here you will find useful information pertaining to different aspects of copyright law and scenarios which you may encounter during your teaching and research activities.

Please be advised that this guide does not supply legal advice but rather access to copyright information and, in some cases, individual interpretations of fair use guidelines and other copyright considerations.

Copyright law is complex and multi-faceted, and there is rarely one answer or one set of criteria which will apply to all scenarios. In many instances, well-informed people can come to different conslusions regarding uses and disagree on determinations.

The key to ensuring your own copyright compliance is to be as well-informed as possible, to always make a good faith effort to act within the guidelines, and to seek professional advice whenever necessary.

Copyright Resources in Blackwell Library

Interested in learning more about copyright? Click on any of the links in ther Copyright tab for information on specific copyright topics. You can also check out the resources below which are located in Library.  Most of the books below are located on the 2nd floor in the General Collection in the KF section. Mouse over the stacks in the General Collection area of 's Interactive Floor Plan to locate the KF section: 

Why Is it Okay to Place Some Materials on Reserve Without Obtaining Permission But Not Others?

This is a great question, and the answer goes back to U.S. Copyright law.  

Library (or any library) may place any book or media item owned by the library or by a professor on course reserves without obtaining permission from the copyright holder, as long as the item is a legally obtained copy in its entirety (not just a portion, chapter, etc.) and in its original form (not a facsimile, digital or otherwise).

The library is permitted to do this thanks to the "First Sale Doctrine" (section 109a of the U.S. Copyright Act), which allows the owner of a lawfully made copyrighted item (book, DVD, CD, etc.)  to sell, lend, or otherwise dispose of that item without obtaining permission from the copyright holder (much like loaning a book to a friend). The First Sale Doctrine is the principle that allows libraries to loan items to patrons.

Books and media borrowed from other libraries (via interlibrary loan or direct borrowing from another USMAI institution) may not be placed on course reserve, as this would violate the first-sale doctirne (as well as violating the terms of our direct borrowing and interlibrary loan agreements).

As soon as an item changes form, such as making an electronic or physical copy of a chapter or a journal article, the First Sale Doctrine becomes null and permission must be obtained for use of copyrighted works items that fall outside of the Fair Use guidelines (section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act).