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COMM 218 Stratton: Evaluating & citing sources for presentations

Citing sources in presentations

Written work that is argument or thesis-based, such as an evidence-based essay, inevitably involves the use of sources that are directly quoted or paraphrased within the text itself (known as an in-text parenthetial citation) and typically a list of full citations in an APA formatted References list.

How are sources cited in a public speech?

In a public speech, sources are verbally cited. 

And, in a public speech in which you use visual references, on slides for example, you must do both:

  • Verbally cite sources in your narrative
  • Include written citations of any images on the slides on which they appear and provide your full list of source citations on the final slide.

Guidelines and excellent examples for APA citations can be found in the SU Libraries Citation Sytle Guide.

Creating verbal APA citations for a public speech involves presenting essential information about your sources clearly and concisely. Your verbal APA citation should seek to include the following elements. You may find it helpful to practice identifying each element in the verbal citation examples below.

  • The author(s)
  • Their credentials
  • The title of the work
  • The date of publication

1. "According to Dr. Jane Smith, a Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Green Earth, in her 2023 article, 'Climate Change and Its Impact on Global Agriculture,' we see significant evidence that..."

2. "In the 2022 report 'Mental Health in the Workplace,' authored by John Doe, Senior Researcher at the Global Health Organization, it is highlighted that..."

3. "Emma Johnson, an award-winning investigative journalist, in her 2021 book, 'The Digital Divide: Access and Equality in the Information Age,' argues that..."

4. "The renowned historian, Dr. Michael Zhang, in his 2020 documentary, 'The Silk Road: Trade Routes that Shaped the World,' states..."

5. "Professor Anita Rodriguez, holding the chair in Robotics at TechFuture University, in her keynote speech at the 2024 International Technology Conference, titled 'Robots Among Us: The Future of Work and Society,' emphasized..."

6. "In the 2019 peer-reviewed article 'Genetic Editing: Ethical Implications and Future Prospects,' by Dr. Lisa Park, a leading geneticist at the Institute for Advanced Biological Studies, we find that..."

7. "The 2023 policy brief 'Renewable Energy: Pathways to a Sustainable Future,' by Alex Turner, Chief Policy Analyst at the Earth Renewal Initiative, suggests that..."

8. "In her 2022 TED Talk, 'Harnessing Creativity for Social Change,' Sofia Martinez, a social entrepreneur and CEO of Innovate for Good, shared that..."

9. "The 2018 study 'Language Learning and Brain Plasticity,' authored by Dr. Omar Khan, a neuroscientist at Brain and Language Lab, Paris, demonstrates..."

10. "Natalie Wood, an expert in sustainable urban development and author of the 2021 report 'Green Cities: Urban Planning for the Future,' presented at the Global Urban Forum, outlines that..."


As you integrate verbal citations into your presentations, your credibility will improve!


Creative Commons Licence
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International License. Page content has been adapted from James Cook University Library's "Citing in Orals" guide.