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COMM 394 Agarwal: Find articles

In the research process: ARTICLES

1. Explore topic context & primary sources (the open web)
2. Learn the background (library catalog: books)
3. Discover scholarly conversations 
(library databases: journal articles)
4. Support your argument (source citation)
5. Rinse, repeat; drafts & revisions (research librarians, writing center)

Searching Library Databases

Oral health      disparities     poverty           global     United States     Maryland
Searching in Academic Search Ultimate
1. Search:  Oral health disparities  and select the ORs = 59,896 results

2. Add:  disparities and select the ORs = 2,180

3. Narrow further by adding Maryland = very few! Limit to United States here instead = 680

4. Decide whether or not to LIMIT results to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals.

5. Let's review the an article's record and tools.

6. Search your own topic. Find a potentially useful article, and add the citation to RefWorks.

General Databases:

Differences between popular magazines and scholarly journals