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GEOG 409: Dimensions of Climatic Change: Find Books

Geography/Geosciences/GIS Books

The fields of Geography/Geosciences/GIS truly span the map (no pun intended!) - and so there is no way I could ever logically list out all of the books we have here in the building that would be of interest to you.  Searching our library holdings via the search box below is the best way for you to see what we have, and the wealth of information available to you on *every* topic you need or are interested in!

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Keywords: Economic development + Global regulations + environmental policy

1. Economic development  - 1,800,000 + results

2. add Global - 53,000 + results. Notice your results are more specific.

3.  add Environmental policy - 18,000+ results.  Notice your results are even more specific than before.  Not owned by SU? Order through ILL.

3. Limit results to BOOKS under format on the left side of your screen.


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