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SOWK 309: Privilege and Oppression : Home

Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Curricula

Check out this excellent resource Diversity and Inclusion Resources for Curricula LibGuide for additional information


This guide hopes to cover the following objectives. Click on each tab to find relevant information.


  • Find sample books and then search the catalog to find more.
  • Search subject specific databases to identify journal articles on a topic.
  • Request materials not owned by the library using Interlibrary Loan when warranted.
  • Search for sources using a citation or bibliography.
  • Review relevant websites on various topics to critically evaluate internet sources.
  • Cite sources using a citation style appropriate for the discipline if one exists.
  • Recognize and understand what comprises of plagiarism


This guide is created primarily for the students in SOWK 309 Privilege and Oppression



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Mou Chakraborty