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GEOG 414: Research & Writing: Find Articles

For students in Dr. Skeeter's course.

Welcome to the GEOG 414 Guide

Depending on your topic, your research needs might be more interdisciplinary in nature, using humanities and social sciences journals rather ones in the natural sciences. I can recommend more databases and search strategies. Let me know if you want to chat about your topic!

The databases below include large, interdisciplinary collections. They'll be the best places to comb over to make sure your topic is new research. 

Search Tips

Booleans: AND, OR, NOT

  • AND combines search words together. Both must appear in your article, narrowing your results. 
  • OR allows you to search for synonyms or like terms. Only one of the terms need appear, broadening your results. 
  • NOT removes a specific term.

Quotation marks

  • Phrases stick together as one keyphrase. "climate change"; "blue whale"; "Cretaceous period"


  • Add to the end of a root word to find all words stemming from that root. volcan* - volcano, volcanic, volcanology, volcanism


  • Usually found on the left
  • Narrow by subject, date, or peer-reviewed
  • For this particular project, you want to cast as wide a net as possible (at least at first), so you likely won't use too many limiters. 

Large Databases - Best Bets

AI Research Tools

In addition to ChatGPT and other natural language processing models, there are many AI-supported tools to help you with research.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Perfect for research projects where you need to see the articles that have already been published about a topic. Google Scholar is not a complete representative of all scholarly journals, so you'll want to check multiple library databases as well. 

Other Useful Databases