Data backup refers to the creation of additional copies of data that can be used to restore data if the original is damaged or lost.
Desktop computers and laptops
Save your work often and that you keep master copies in another location.
External hard drives
Do noy store your external hard drive next to computer in case of theft or disaster
Networked drives
Consider how frequent the networked drive is backed up, how secure it is, and how recoverable lost data is.
Optical storage (DVDs and CDs)
Should not be considered permanent storage, as CDs and DVDs degrade over time.
Cloud storage
A convenient offsite storage that can be synchronized with your computer files. Does not guarantee long term security or preservation.
Not recommended for storing sensitive data.
3-2-1 data backup strategy
The general rule of thumb is that you should keep:
- at least 3 copies of your data, including the original copy and two backups
- on 2 different storage types,
- at least 1 copy of the data offsite.
Data backup is used for short-term backup of active files during the research project.
Data preservation refers to keeping and maintaining datasets for an extended period of time by choosing durable formats and allowing for cataloging and searching capabilities.