One thing that will make your work stand out from a general report on your topic is that you will be using theories to further or counter the scholarship. You can find sources using the databases and catalog linked on other pages in this guide, including subject-specific databases that can provide access to unique information related to the question you are working on. Below are some resources to help you formulate your searches.
You have been given these potential theories from your professor to use to analyze your object of study/conflict. It may be helpful to search keywords from the theories and their explanations in the databases to find articles on how other scholars used these theories in their own work.
Identify simple one or two-word concepts in your topic:
Search the keywords from your topic along with the keywords and names from the theory you are using:
environmental issues AND human needs OR maslow
Israel Palestine Conflict AND function of conflict OR coser
Try lots of different combinations of your search terms!
gun control AND structural violence OR gultang
second amendment AND structural violence OR gultang