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How can I access databases?

Databases are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you can use them on or off campus. If you are using them from off campus, you will be prompted to put in your SU username and password (the same one you use for Gull Net, MyClasses, or an SU computer).


These are some databases that may be useful for your mathematics research. By no means are they the only ones out there!

Statistics are used in many other disciplines besides mathematics, so these databases are across a variety of fields. 

Searching by keyword is the best way to find journal articles containing statistical analyses. 

Example "I want to find a journal article that deals with education and t-tests."

Where:  Search the ERIC database, because ERIC covers educational topics.

How:  Search using the search string "education AND t-test" because those are the two ideas I want to find in one journal article.

From the list of articles that comes up, choose an article that seems interesting and relevant and click on the title.  Scan the abstract and contents and you will find that the authors of this article dealing with education analyzed their data using a t-test.  

If you have any problems finding a journal article that covers what you are interested in, ask any reference librarian in the library, or contact your math librarian directly for some help.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar can be a good starting point for your research. It searches across many disciplines and sources. Link your Google Scholar to your library account to ensure access to articles that may otherwise be behind a paywall. Follow these instructions and the screenshot below:

  1. Click on the three bars in the top left corner to access your Google Scholar menu.
  2. Click on "Settings."
  3. Navigate to "Library links" in your list of settings. 
  4. Type in Salisbury University and check the boxes that come up.
  5. Click save. Your Google Scholar is now linked to Salisbury University's library resources.