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HLTH 312: Drugs and Public Health: Home


This is the LibGuide for HLTH 312. It offers many resources to help you with your annotated bib and teaching lesson projects. 

Annotated bibliography: To meet several objectives in the course, students will generate an annotated bib (minimum of 6 sources) in preparation and support for the teaching lesson. Each source (books, articles, websites, etc) will include a short paragraph (150 words/3-5 sentences).

Teaching lesson: To meet several objectives in the course, as well as demonstrate roles and responsibilities as a public health educator, students research, plan and implement health education strategies/teaching lessons.

Article Evaluation

Evaluating Sources

Critically Evaluating Sources (what do we mean by "sources"?)

For college-level research, you'll want to consider using only the highest-quality information sources you can find. Between the internet and SU’s library, the “best” information can depend on the assignment. Here are some ways to determine the best information sources to lend support to your own research.