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Forensic Science: For Wor-Wic Users

Find articles, books, and reliable websites. Also includes info for Wor-Wic users in the forensic science concentration.

Wi-Fi and Printing

To use our computers or access the Wi-Fi, bring a photo ID to the Library Service Desk and we'll help you get set up with a temporary login account.


Black and white printing costs 10¢ per side, while color printing is 50¢.

Borrow Materials from SU

As a Wor-Wic student or faculty member, you are automatically eligible to borrow materials from the Guerrieri Academic Commons at Salisbury University! You also have unlimited renewals on books unless they're recalled by another library user.

Loan periods for Wor-Wic students:

  • General Collection Books - 28 days
  • Leisure Books - 28 days
  • CDs - 7 days
  • DVDs - 14 days 
  • Headphones - 3 hours

Loan periods for Wor-Wic faculty:

  • General Collection Books 1 semester (assigned due dates of either May 1, August 1, or December 1, whichever comes first)
  • Leisure Books - 28 days
  • CDs - 7 days
  • DVDs - 14 days 
  • Headphones - 3 hours

Parking and Building Access

Online Research

Due to licensing and copyright restrictions, we're unfortunately unable to provide remote access to our ebooks, articles, databases, and other online resources.


However, you can access these digital resources in-person if you come to the Guerrieri Academic Commons and use one of our many computers! 

More Library Services

Need more help? Contact us at or 410-543-6130.