1. Explore topic basics (casual web searching)
2. Background (library catalog: books)
3. Current research (library databases: journal articles)
4. Support your argument (source citation)
5. Drafts & revisions (research librarians & Writing Center)
Why use books for my research?
1. LEATHER JACKET - 3000+ results
2. Add HISTORY - Notice your results are more specific.
3. Limit results to BOOKS under format on the left side of your screen.
4. Sort by RELEVANCE ONLY from the drop down menu on the upper right area of your screen.
5. Find this book: Art of the flight jacket : classic leather jackets of World War II
6. See a book or article not owned by SU? Order through ILL.
Wondering how to find a book in the library once you've found its call number? Use our online Call Number Locator to quickly find the book you need!
There are three ways to get library books here at SU. In the order you should look for your item, you can borrow from
To check the status of items or renew them online: ILL, USMAI. All accounts use the same login information (what is used for Gullnet, email, and campus computers).