(Thanks to the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.)
To use many of the library's electronic resources all you will need is your IT username and password!
However, to check out books, DVDs, laptops, or other physical items you will need to register with the library directly.
If you have not already, please fill out the form below and bring it to either:
1. the ELI Librarian - Mou Chakraborty (Office 146A in the Academic Commons)
2. the Library Service Desk in the Academic Commons
Welcome to Salisbury University Libraries!
Our library staff is here to can help you learn to use library resources, find research materials you need, and answer any questions you have about the library or campus.
What can you do within the Library?
First Floor
The first floor is a collaborative space and home to:
Second Floor
The second floor has many of the non-library spaces in addition to more collaborative study spaces. Those include:
Third Floor
The third floor is for quiet studying. Here you can find:
Fourth Floor
The Nabb Research Center for Delmarva History and Culture tops the Academic Commons. Here you can find:
The library has started a collection specifically for ELI students. It contains books like dictionaries and thesauri, as well as books in languages that are not English. To recommend books for the ELI collection, you can contact your instructor or the ELI Librarian.