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MDTC 471: Clinical Seminar: Books & Ebooks

Use SURF to Find Books and Ebooks

Locate Print Books

After searching in SURF, select the "physical items" limiter (left) to find print materials.

If you find a physical book, it will have something called a call number. The call number is like its home address. Copy and paste any call number into the Call Number Locator below to see where it lives in the library. A call number will look something like this: 

SF408.3 .E84 1995

Ebooks and Digitized Books

Featured Book Collections

Our Leisure Collection is located in the first-floor Pit

The Leisure Books include graphic novels, cookbooks, and current fiction and non-fiction books. The Leisure Collection provides books for students, faculty, and staff to read for fun and relaxation, as a break from work and assignments.

Juvenile Collection

You can find children's books in two locations. The bulk of our juvenile materials are located in the Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) in Conway Hall room 226. There are also some juvenile books in the 3rd floor stacks of the Guerrieri Academic Commons. 

The CRC collections are mostly print materials and include picture, board, novels, oversized, transitional, classics, diaries, texts, Horn books, and early readers. Genres in the CRC Collections include picture books, fantasy, horror, fiction, historical fiction, realistic fiction, mystery, folklore, biography, comics, graphic novels, poetry, science fiction, and non-fiction. We also have substantial Puppet and Musical Instrument Collections in the CRC.

SU Nabb Research Center Main Collection is a non-circulating collection located on the 4th floor.

Contains over 9,000 books focused on the history and culture of Delmarva and its families, United States history, military and government history, decorative arts, exploration, Native American history, and religion.