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Distance Library Services: Online Library Resources

for distance students


SU Libraries either own or has access to many eJournals. Click on the Journals from the pull-down menu on SURF (from the library homepage).

However, if you don't find the fulltext of the article that you are looking for or need an article that is from a print journal located in Library, you can always request it through interlibrary loan.


Find It button


It's a bit like magic, really!  The Find It button does three things:

  • Looks in all of our databases to see if the document you want is available full-text in another of our databases.  If so, it links you to it!
  • Links you to the library catalog when we have the item you want in print or microform.
  • Links you to ILLiad (interlibrary loan) so you can borrow the item from another library if we don't have access electronically or in print.

** If we have the article in a print journal or on microform, we will scan it and send it to our distance students!

The Find It Button is YOUR FRIEND!!! 



Accessing Databases

You may be a pro at searching Google! However, Google and Wikipedia are not accepted as resources to write a research paper. You will still need to learn and use the library databases. You can access the databases in several different ways.


From the library homepage, you can simply click on Databases.

You can then click on your discipline title (for ex. Social Work or Respiratory Therapy) and access the database of your choice.



A to Z Databases


When accessing databases from off-campus you will be taken to a login screen.

You will need to use your SU username and password to access the databases.


Suggested Databases

Since you are in specific disciplines, you will need to search subject specific databases. You can access those from the library's homepage as shown in the screen-shot above.


Some suggested databases you might find helpful: