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MKTG 440 Piatselchyts: Introduction

Resources for market and business evaluation, digital marketing strategies, and presentations.

Welcome, MKTG 440!

This guide contains strategies and resource recommendations to use toward your Digital Marketing Project for the fictional company, EcoFresh in your MKTG 440 class with Professor Piatselchyts. Topics include investigating:

  • Conducting Market and Business Evaluations
    • How to find market reports
      • Natural Cleaning Products
      • Trends
      • competition
    • SWOT Analyses
  • Digital Marketing

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You can now access the library databases by using your SU username and password -- the same one that you use for email and MyClasses. When accessing an e-book, article, library database, or any other electronic resource available from the library, expect to be prompted to log in (see screenshot below).

SU Login screen

Here's an FAQ about the new Single Sign On procedure.

Course Guides: Manage & Organize

ProQuest RefWorks - Source citation tool

Sign into your RefWorks account to export and manage citations while you research.

TIP: Keep RefWorks open in a tab at the top of your web browser when exporting citations from library databases.

For more information on using RefWorks and creating your account, go to the Cite Sources tab or view this page.